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I’m sure we don’t meet people by accident. We are very
blessed to meet people who support, empower, and love us. I will add that we
are also blessed to encounter those who use, deceive, hurt, and break our
hearts. Yes, you read correctly.
Call me crazy, but those people and those experiences shape
us and help us to become a better version of ourselves. Thanks to them we
become stronger, wiser, smarter, and better all around. We grow through
Needless to say, it’s devastating when someone uses you,
especially when a part of you told you not to trust that person, but you CHOSE
to take the risk anyway. And that’s completely fine. In my opinion, you
shouldn’t be hard on yourself just because you made a poor decision.
you should be proud of the fact that you were brave enough to take the risk.
Know that not many people have such courage.
We are not GOOD people or BAD people based on a single
choice we made. It depends on a set of very many decisions we make every day. Let’s
take a look at Mother Teresa for example. What if you found out that she had
multiple sex partners throughout her life? Would that decrease her value? Would
that overpower everything she did? Would that erase all the good things she
did? The point to all this is: making a bad choice doesn’t make you any less
valuable, it only makes you human.
Know that your worth doesn’t decrease based on the mistakes
you have made. Remember that your value doesn’t change when you make a poor
choice. It is understandable that we tend to dwell on our errors, but allow me
to ask something: does it help on anything at all? I’m almost sure that the
answer is no, so why feel bad about it? Just let it go!
It’s a great thing that you learned something from the bad
experiences, but don’t take the baggage into the next one. Keep in mind that
every experience is different, every person is different, and every situation
is different. Just because someone hurt you doesn’t mean everyone is out to get
you. But how are you going to find out the truth? Simple: Don’t put up a wall
[regardless of the past experiences]. How will your heart mend? Take the risk. Allow
yourself to stay true to yourself. Allow yourself to feel. Allow yourself to
love… and to be loved.
If you choose to hurt others just because some hurt you,
guess what? This cycle will never end.
I choose to end the cycle. I choose to keep trusting, to
keep making mistakes, and to keep taking risks.
Making poor choices is one of the beautiful things about
being human, so learn from them, let them go, and keep moving forward.
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