Monday, March 31, 2014

Everything happens for a reason

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     Most of us say that “everything happens for a reason”, but do we really believe it? We preach about how we overcame obstacles and became stronger. We think about the pain, the tears, the sleepless nights, the overwhelming information we had to memorize, the frustration and the broken hearts… and we proudly speak of how strong and wise we are thanks to those experiences.

     I’m guessing we believe that “the reason” is to become stronger and wiser, but have you thought about that maybe, just MAYBE “the reason” is not only that, but also to SHARE such strength, wisdom, and power?

     I’m not talking about giving your opinion about taboo or hot topics. People don’t need any more normative statements. They don’t need to hear what they need to do or how they need to act. Sometimes people need to know that they are not alone. They need to hear that you’ve struggled as well and that it is completely POSSIBLE to succeed regardless of the situation they are in.

     I understand that sometimes we hesitate to tell our stories because we’re afraid of what people might say or think about us. We are worried about how people might perceive us. We don’t want to sound stupid or crazy. It’s funny how we take pride in being “different” yet we don’t do anything to actually prove it. Of course I’m not referring to proving it to other people, but to yourself.

     My reason? I’ve never cared about the opinion of others, but at the same time I didn’t want anyone’s pity. However, the biggest reason was that I didn’t truly feel like I was successful yet. I used to ask myself: “How in the universe are you going to help others if you can’t even help yourself?” I’m not saying my life is perfect now, but in my eyes I am successful.

     I can and will talk about things that I have knowledge of (i.e. education, domestic violence, eating disorders, human rights, love, undocumented immigrants, rape, homelessness, etc.) Some concepts might be a bit awkward, uncomfortable, or unpleasant to some, but I’m hoping that these same concepts are helpful and inspiring to others. I truly believe that “everything happens for a reason” and the reason why those things happened to ME is so that I can help others.

     What’s the use of having all this knowledge if I’m not willing to share it? 


  1. Well said..more power to the journey of glad you found your reason,as well as sharing it.I agree as well that everything happens for a reason.just a matter of finding out that reason,that i think makes life worth living for.

    1. Daniel,

      You're right, it's just a matter of finding out that reason, but we shouldn't dwell so much on that because sometimes it takes YEARS to find it. That's what happened to me at least.... and I found out the reason when I stopped looking for answers! Anyways, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. We really appreciate it. Much love and best wishes!
